Fiction Short Stories Meet Me In The Sunrise Don’t feel sorry for these fools. They’ve had a shit-show for a life and didn’t recognize the toxicity when it…
Fantasy Fiction Short Stories Chatelain Despair summoned her into the mire Compelled that she gnaw her fingernails My lover’s journal of heartbreak and poetry lays…
Fiction Short Stories We’re Not Crazy-Chapter 3: “Rubber Pens” When I consider the warmth of the cabin in the fall, drinking a brandy beneath a thick blanket, your voice…
Fiction Short Stories We’re Not Crazy–Chapter 2: “Triggered” I deserve to be loved without borders Through the best times and the worst times The numbing silence in-between Through…
Fiction Short Stories We’re Not Crazy – Chapter 1: “The Screamer” Don’t kick at my ribs and tell me not to feel it Or stab me, then yell for getting blood…